Thursday, January 10, 2008

Suggestion Box - What would you like to hear about?

If there are any topics that the audience would like to hear me wax poetic on, please feel free to throw ideas in the suggestion box I'll keep in the comments section of this post.



Jeffrey said...

Your times in the OR.
And post-OR too with the patient!
(which is the theme this week for SurgeXperiences)
remember to submit them! :)


Aud Rey said...

*scar minimizing procedures and techniques
*relatively new procedures (SmartLipo, Liposelection, surgery-free nose job, transumbilical breast augmentation)
*scar revision and removal
*pre- and post-op tips

Anonymous said...

Breast cancer. As I have it, I'm a bit obsessed.

Also, losing weight after breast cancer treatment. I've had four surgeries (mastectomy w/tram), emergency appendectomy (during chemo), hysterectomy, then emergency ooperectomy (don't ask). Suddenly in menopause. I take tamoxifen. I exercise an hour a day - tough things like spinning and hiking. I keep gaining weight. Yes, I eat. But do I really need to starve myself? Is it the meds? The surgery? The menopause?


Anonymous said...

Dr. Oliver,
I've read about various insurance companies cancelling or refusing to grant medical policies to women with breast implants, both silicone and saline. What's your take?

Anonymous said...

I'm curious about the various titles and societies of which plastic surgeons hold or belong to. For example, how important is it to be a member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons vs. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons? I know it takes longer and more experience to become a member of the former, but, as consumers, is it important to look for this? Also, what is the difference between "member" and a "diplomate" of these societits?
