Monday, February 07, 2011

Laugh of the day: Your typical plastic surgery ER consult during residency

One of the most grueling things during surgical training is emergency room call, where you have to make yourself available for services 24/7. In plastic surgery there are 2 things that torture you
1) hand injuries - which inevitably happen late at night and can require urgent multi-hour surgery

2) calls to the children's hospital for lacerations.

Dealing with pediatric patients can be very tricky as they are difficult to anesthetize to repair even simple lacerations. What in an adult can take several minutes, can take an hour+ by the time everything is set up. Part of the frustration involves the sometimes "under informed" phone calls that usually come from a desk clerk or nurse who has little to no idea why they're calling you. Someone took the time to make a classic parody of this below. Too true & too funny!



Jenny Cruz said...

Yes you’re absolutely right; dealing with pediatric patients is the hardest part of the job as they are difficult to anesthetize to repair even simple lacerations. Children’s and adult cases requires different management as well as procedures just like the Plastic surgeon Los Angeles. It takes hours of patients before the surgeon called the job as done.

blepharoplasty surgery said...

Interesting post, I think that this is really a nice video, thanks for sharing.