Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Plastic Surgery 101 mentioned in Plastic Surgery News article

Plastic Surgery 101 made into an article in this month's Plastic Surgery News, a monthly periodical published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

The article deals with the issue of cyber-harassment by disgruntled patients, and features the real life experiences of some Doctor's who've had truly horrifying experiences of dealing with the new realities of the Internet as a medium. I was the "blogging expert" who talked with the author about the phenomena of "poison" blogging, which has been a vehicle in some instances to attack Plastic Surgeons' reputations as well as the potential for rapidly causing widespread serious mischief and disinformation on sources like blogs, usenet groups, wikipedia, chat rooms, and the like.


  1. I read the article in Plastic Surgery News today. Nice mention and quote! You have a very well-informed and well-intentioned blog. In my opinion, it is the best blog devoted to general plastic surgery issues out there today. I, too, have had some "anonymous" posts which have been derogatory or mean-spirited on my blog. I just delete them and go on with the day. It's easy to write something nasty if your name is not attached to it! Anyways, I'm glad you got some peer recognition. Maybe I'll see you at the ASAPS meeting in a month??

  2. Tony, I won't be going to New York for this years Aesthetic Society meeting as I've been to the recent Atlanta/Dallas meetings and have to work for awhile. Bills to pay :)
