Monday, August 27, 2007

Louisville's Top Docs

I'd like to take a minute to thank some of my mentors in Surgery and Plastic Surgery from Louisville, Kentucky who've been recognized in Louisville Magazine's September "Top Docs" issue. I could personally name about a dozen others who were at least as good as some mentioned in various specialities (they have like 15 categories listed) but I didn't see anyone listed among the people I worked with who didn't belong.

From my Plastic Surgery years I had the privilege of working with honorees:

From my "former life" as a General Surgery trainee I noticed these Doctors singled out as well:

  • Bob Linker - Thoracic & Vascular Surgery

  • Steve Self - Vascular Surgery

  • Tom Bergamini - Vascular Surgery

  • Russ Williams - General Surgery

Each of these doctors are truly some of the best of the best. One interesting thing you get to see during training is the wide variations in skill or technique, and I got to personally work with well over 100 surgeons during my nearly decade long series of residencies. During my Plastic Surgery alone it was almost 40 different doctors. I've always told people that if you have a loved one injured and they end up in one of these large trauma centers with training programs, that you should find out who the chief resident is and ask "off the record" which attending physicians they would want (or not want) taking care of them or their loved ones. They usually know the inside info on these things.

1 comment:

The Patients Advantage said...

If you are going to go down the cosmetic surgery road...check out Better to be safe than sorry.